
What system powers Insided internal search?

  • 18 January 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

Is internal search functionality updated and improved? 


Our community search bar can perform badly at times. Example:


A search term: “enrol dcc” is a string that is featured in the title of a topic, that doesn’t show up when this term is inputted. Search results here


The topic that somehow wasn’t identified in the search results:



1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @timcavey 

Thanks for reporting your experience (FYI @Sudhanshu and @Alex Campos ).


We currently have a single way of configuration that does not allow for modification on a per community basis and the current configuration is not being evolved.


I have a background in search and relevance, so am digging deeper into this myself.


