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Why can’t users’ search in our community using tags that they want to have rather than what is shown by insided?

For example the tag I want to use for my search is not available; so it would have been great if there was a field to search for the tag if it’s not already shown by default. SO NEED TO HAVE THE OPTION TO SEARCH VIA THE TAG THAT A USER WANTS.

Thanks & Best Regards,


I’ve just had a look at that by playing with the search over here on inSpired and I can kind of see what you mean there. The Tags that show up as search suggestions are mainly intended to act as filters and are generated by the system based on what it thinks are relevant to the search. I believe it also adapts based on the tags that have been applied to threads as well. Selecting any tag will filter out everything that doesn’t have that tag in it.

Given that a huge number of tags can exist though, showing them all isn’t always possible, so the tags that don’t appear on any thread in the search results at all are hidden away to reduce clutter. The best way to make sure relevant tags appear is to try to make sure threads are tagged appropriately, otherwise the tag you’re after might never show up. The search feature is designed to learn and adapt over time in order to improve accuracy, but it does need some help to make sure that it knows what you’re after.

If the thread you’re after doesn’t have any tags at all, then I’m afraid there won’t be any tags to search with for it. :wink:

Hi @Blastoise186, thank you for your quick answer and understanding the requirement :slight_smile:  What I mean is sometime the tag I want is custom defined and never appears along the suggestions (but I have used that tag). Also it could be the search keyword has not been directly associate to the required tag but INSIDED misses out simplifying user desired information effectively by giving the user what they want to filter using tags they need. So it’s most likely that INSIDED miss out on the user required tag (it’s not that user friendly). Why won’t insided simply provide an additional option to search (add the tag into the filter) for the tag that user require given the high probability of tag not being suggested correctly by the platform since we already have the ability of having multiple tag selections (so why not let user add the tag filter they need without cluttering). So we could include that tags we want rather than being missed out? This would be really helpful. :blush:
Thanks & Best Regards,

Gotcha, hmm… This is a curious one… I am able to force the search to bring up any valid existing tag by including it in the search query, but I’m not sure that’s what you’d be after. It does sound like a potential new Idea though, which you might want to consider creating a new Idea post for.

I’m also going to do a random lucky dip here and drop a random inSider a mention for thoughts. @olimarrio is the lucky one that I pulled out of the random number generator this time.
