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I’m pretty sure this has been asked before but I can’t for the life of me find the post so I’m making another. Sorry about that! 

We have asked users to report a post when they find a broken link. This is fairly common as a result of shutting down our old support website. Whenever a post is reported, a brand new topic is made in a publicly-accessible subforum, as shown below:



Is there a way to stop this? Or to change which subforum the topic is posted to? I manage the reported posts on the back-end so usually end up missing these new topics. None of my users need to see these reports, so I’d rather not have them on the front end at all. 

Hi @alexandra.culler 

Thanks for the question. I will get some eyes on the issue and look to help you out.


Hi @alexandra.culler 👋,


I am the eyes that @Alistair FIeld ordered 👁️👁️ 


The problem was occurring due to the reported post category ID being the same as the ID of an already existing category (DLLs). I’ve now adjusted your configuration so that this should no longer occur. I’ve created a hidden category labelled ‘Reported posts’ where these posts should now be moved to once they are flagged.


Please let me know if you have any questions or if anything is still working unexpectedly.




Thanks both! I’ll keep an eye 👀 out for new flagged posts to see if the fix worked. Glad to know it was not the expected behavior :)
