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I have noticed that my header logo is grainy. Is the site compressing the logo? I have tried to other images and it seems to still be doing this?


I have added the images I have tried. 

Have you tried re-uploading the logo with the required dimensions. I think I remember a similar problem until I tried again.

The upload only calls for,


Upload your community logo in .PNG or .JPG format here”


What are the correct requirements? 

@Dkreiger actually it depends where you set this up/ which header you are using. The Mega Menu actually states the requirements as:

But really I wouldn’t hesitate to try uploading something a bit bigger if needed, as long as the upload is not rejected. I’m using a custom HTML header myself so we have a 2584 × 281 logo kept in check by a bit of CSS.

Hope this works!

Thank you @SmartlyGreg. I will take a look and also share with our web dev team.

Hi - this is also a huge issue on our site as well. Our developers looked into why our correct size still looked terrible and found that the platform was doing something strange with the logo. We tried 6 times to get something to look good and I am still getting complaints about how bad it looks. Very frustrating that this is what people see when they go to the site.

@alison.mancinelli Try re-cropping the whole image. The upload tool auto crops and I was told that was the problem. 
