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Over on our Community, we recently received a complaint about this person trying to create an Idea in the Ideation section and running into a "Something's gone wrong” error. Upon further inspection, it appears to be that the word "local host”, without the space, is blocked and caused this error to occur. I actually ran into it again a few minutes ago trying to explain the use of it, in a Reply on a Question. We don't use the Keyword blocker.

Is this word somehow automatically forbidden by the platform? Are there more words like this? Would love to hear that. Thanks!

Hey @Mark Jongeling 

This is a known issue that was reported this month by a few other communities. Essentially, the AWS built-in firewall is blocking some words for security reasons.

We're planning a meeting with them to address this and ensure that those words are allowed in communities. This is a very annoying issue because the user may lose the entire reply if there's a forbidden word.

Some of the forbidden words that we recently found out are:


Feel free to message our support desk at and and I'll link your ticket to the engineering discussion on Jira so that you'll receive an automatic update when a fix is released.

Let me know if you any more questions!

Hey @Mark Jongeling, following up here, I can confirm this issue has just been fixed for all communities.

You should now be able to post the term localhost without any need for workarounds, along with other technical terms that were also being blocked such as 127.0.01, ../../, java.lang.RuntimeException.

If you or anyone have any questions about this, please feel free to post here 😊
