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We use the Zendesk case creation integration, where you can shoot a case over to Zendesk for an unanswered question in the community. From there, there’s currently a broken process for us. Our support agents see the case, then just respond to it in email to the customer. The original question in the community is left unanswered, then one of us on the community team need to close the loop. 

We are looking for a way to push the email response back from Zendesk to inSided. Has anyone does this before? 

I think there are a few categories here - 

  1. Customer-specific case - in these cases, we wouldn’t want to publish the case response to the community. It could be a specific or exception case to that specific customer and the case should be handled directly. For these, we still need some sort of closure on the question. 
  2. Community question and answer - in these cases, we would want to push the case response to the community. It would be a legit question that could benefit others in the community. 

I’m wondering how other people handle this. 

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