We held our 2nd ever Gainsight CE Office Hours on Discovering the Basics of Analytics! If you weren’t able to join, here are the key takeaways and the recording below:
Key Takeaways:
- How do Analytics differ from Enrollments data?:
- Enrollments data are a quick glance of data in close to real time including learner name, their enrollment date, and course or learning path completion percentage. Analytics are more granular analysis of more specific data in your program.
- Common Definitions:
- Enrollments: date learner enrolled in a course or LP via individual or group assignment or when a learner self enrolls themself.
- Active Learner: A learner who started a course, does not include learners who sign into Academy and browse, but never start a course.
- Attempts: Learner attempts are tracked every time a new version of the course is published, or you retake a course, an admin restarts your course progress.
- Course Version: A course version is updated every time you publish new changes in a course. (If you don’t see a course version # in analytics, that mean learners did not take the course when that version was live).
- Most Popular Dashboards & Important Metrics:
- School Activity: Dashboard for learner data to see new and active learner numbers in a day, week, or month in a specific period of time. Why is this important? Learner + Academy Engagement: To see if learners are signing up and returning.
- Course Progress Stats: Dashboard for course measurement. Why is this important? See course completion progress by each course, average of how long it takes to complete (time = difference between attempt start and attempt end).
- Multiple Course Analysis (MCA): Most granular dashboard of deep course and learner data of those enrolled to a course, has the most filterable options.
- Course Completion: Dashboard for quick glance of Y/N learner completion data. Why is this important? To grab a quick report of who has completed a specific course or who hasnt.
- Single Course Analysis (SCA): Dashboard for learner and content data. Why is this important? Looking at learner drop off by each activity in a course. This is measured by activity views vs. activity completions (completions are tracked by clicking the continue button in the course viewer).
- Tips when using Filters in Analytics:
- If a filter on a dashboard says “Last Activity Date”, this is showing data of learners who have completed an activity in the time range (completion of an activity: clicking the continue button).
- Some filters have the option in the drop down to filter the value to be specific or contains, starts with, ends with, is, doesn’t contain.