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Leverage your learner's expertise

  • 20 June 2024
  • 0 replies

🚀 Steal My Customer Education Strategy 🚀

If you’re the trainer or facilitator in the room, do you need to have all the answers?

One of the bonuses of working with adult learners is that they have a wealth of experience and knowledge that’s valuable to you and their fellow learners. As often as possible, we strive to design a collaborative learning environment where participants can share their expertise.

Here are some specific tips to leverage your customers' expertise:

🤝 Invite learners to work together to solve problems. These could be real world scenarios that you provide, or they can share their own business challenges and gather ideas from their peers on how to address them.

🎤 Ask learners to present on topics that they know well, in panel discussions or other creative formats.

📝 Use quiz question review as a chance for learners to explain their understanding and rationale.

💬 Encourage learners to join your online community or Slack groups to continue discussions and knowledge sharing with peers post-training.

🔄 Give learners opportunities to do “teach backs” with their peers. Explaining or teaching something to someone else is a great tool to reinforce learning.

How do you leverage the expertise of your learners in training settings? Share your strategies and experiences in the comments below!

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