
Adding custom activity types to Timeline

  • 6 December 2016
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2
The addition of Timeline in the November 2016 Gainsight release has been great. I've been finding new ways to use it and the same is happening with Gainsight customers that I work with. 

One question that came up is related to the types of activities. Right now the addition of new activity types is not supported, but is this in consideration for a near term update? An example of a new activity type could be a product demo, which would benefit from different required fields as well as filtering. 

Could this be considered for addition to the Timeline feature?


4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Thanks for sharing, Dan. It is on the roadmap to support custom Activity types. Might not make the Winter release, though, as the team is completely swamped.

It was also suggested that we provide some of these custom types via Vault, so it's great that you are already thinking about the use-cases!
Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Do you happen to have a list of items Timeline related that will be in our Winter release? I have some request for this feature as well as reporting and requiring fields.
Userlevel 7
Badge +2
All will be revealed today at 1pm ET - Gainsight's Product Roadmap webinar -
Heard it mentioned today for the upcoming release
