Advanced JO hack to get a conditional evaluate step before an email (like in new dynamic JO)

  • 16 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Advanced JO hack (if you want to use a conditional wait step before a program action) for anyone who hasn’t experimented with it:


Running a “no action” API call on the recipient’s email address is a (wonky) way to get that new dynamic JO evaluate step between when the audience is brought in and when the first email is sent.


I’ve done some CSV testing (sent to myself), and the logic checks out. Hope this helps anyone who’s waiting for the new dynamic JO to get a bit more mature before adopting it!


Some screenshots for illustration 


JO configuration


Overview of the program logic


​​​​API configuration (mapping email to the recipient email)


External Action - Custom Connector configuration


Payload configuration (email)
Headers configuration (will need your tenant ID and shared secret)
Fields configuration (email string)


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@dayn.johnson this is 🔥
