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When you built reports in reports 2.0 for the Gainsight Tab, it would be nice if all reports gave you the ability to export to excel.  Right now, only tabular reports allow you to.  Even if you specify a tabular table to show when you click into a pie chart, it does not let you export.  It would be great if this was possible.
Hi Elleno,

Ability to export a drill down table is in our roadmap. We will get this implemented in the next 1-2 months. Reg ability to export any report, you can switch the visualisation to tabular form, export it to excel and then switch back to the visualisation you need. Wouldn't that work? Please let me know.


Hi Sumesh,

I'm running into challenges with this too. Here's an example: We have a report showing our CSM Leaders all the CTAs that are in a particular status by playbook. For the drilldown, we added additional detail to show CSM Name, Account Name, MRR, etc. So, if I wanted to export to Excel that information with all the detail in the drilldown, I'd have to click on each bar and export it separately. When I switch the format from column to table, I lose all the details I have in the drilldowns. So, I'd have to build a widget that has all that data in table format in order to get the entire dataset at once.

A few options I can think of:

1. Have the ability to export to Excel the entire dataset from the drilldown even if you don't click on a column.

2. When you switch the view to Table, have it carry over all the information you included in the drilldown.
