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We are trying to set up an anonymous survey, however, we would like to link the responses back to accounts in Gainsight is this possible? 


HI sannevdbremen

I believe what you are looking for is semi-anonymous survey, which track the account name but not the participant details like email, name etc. Please check below doc ,it nicely explain the different type of surveys and the associated use cases.




Hi @vishwajeet_singh_chauhan ,


We are trying to make sure this link has the capability of getting distributed amongst the account and it’s subsidiaries which is why we are wanting to make it anonymous.  

so here is a bit of context to what we are working on:

  • our consulting team runs “exploratory” surveys prior to an engagement. They used SurveyMonkey, now moving to Gainsight. They would create one survey per customer/C360, always the same set of questions but the front page wording /logo is customised and then send it out to few customer contacts we know of & have on record who would then distribute the survey link to others in their org.  We need to be able to track all responses back to that one account/C360 in Gainsight but as just said, there will be some participants we do not have in database but still need to be able to link them to that one customer. We cannot get all the participants entered into our database before the survey, there will always be people forwarding the survey link to others. 
  • we are rolling this out across all our high/mid touch customers at least twice a year so quantity-wise, we’re talking about A LOT of surveys going out monthly to various customers at different times, may will run at the same time … so I’m not sure running this via just one survey is feasible.
  • the main need is to be able to: send a customised page/ same questions to a large number of customers, with some contacts on our record but many unknown. Need to be able to collect all responses back to Gainsight and link all responses to a particular customer/C360 in order to analyse responses at the point of survey closes and also historically as needed

Hi @vishwajeet_singh_chauhan ,


Have you had a chance to look at Katerina’s message?


HI Sai/ Katerina

Answering as per my understanding of the ask :- 

  1. If you are trying to send same set of questions to all customers with same theme (look and feel) then one survey will work.
  2. To get survey response without any contact record , currently only way to get is through semi anonymous or anonymous survey. Since you want to link the response to a specific company or account semi anonymous survey should solve your use case, for semi anonymous survey a specific survey link is associated with a specific company and same link can be used by multiple people to give response for that company.

    If you still have more queries please reach out to your CSM , if required they can schedule a call with engineering. 


thank you - scenario 2 is what we’re looking for and it seems like it will work. Will give it a try now

