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Hey all,

We have a separate team, called "Account Specialists", that exclusively handle customer renewals. Each account is assigned a specific Account Specialist as well as the standard account owner (i.e. Customer Success role). The Account Specialist would be the individual that owns the Renewal opportunity for the account.

I am trying to create a rule that finds any Renewal opportunity record types where the owner of said opportunity does not match the Account Specialist assigned to the account (also a user lookup field). I am having trouble finding a way to use the result of a field as a criteria for another. Is that possible?

Hi Ben,

Hopefully I'm interpreting your question correctly. This is one way you may be able to accomplish the comparison.

While you can't compare two fields in the filters, you can utilize the criteria in a rule action. You'll want to include both user lookup fields in the 'Show' area on the Rule Setup. Then you can compare the two fields in the action of the rule:

What is the action you want to take when the Account Specialist doesn't match the Opp owner? 

I hope this helps and let me know if I misinterpreted and you're looking to accomplish something different.
Thanks Kendra. That is what I am looking for, but I now have a new road block. 

Now I cannot seem to select other fields when attempting to do what you mentioned. Any way to get more in that list?
Hey Ben:

You'd need to add any field you want to compare in the show area of the rule.  Another thing to keep in mind is the field types must match as well.  Let us know if you run into any issues.
This was what I needed Scott! I was using two different field types. Once I lined that up, things were in place effectively. Thanks!
