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Hi! I apologize if I missed this elsewhere (I did a quick search) but is there the ability to “add” in an object in data-designer and re-point the later objects to the new one? 


In the screenshot, I realized after the fact that I needed to merge to objects first, and then do all my data transformations. So what I need is all the transformations after the merge on the right to flow from this merge instead (they use a calculated field from the merge). Is this possible?


Hi @mcgovernb21 Unfortunately, it’s not possible as it would just create another standalone branch.

However, and while it doesn’t solve for everything, what I could recommend doing on large data sets like the one you show above, would be splitting your design into smaller data sets saved as templates before getting into the transformations. Would perhaps help identify missed out merges more easily.

I got caught like that last week and it took a frustrating while to undo and redo 😞.


Yup, Alizee’s reply is on point. We've all been there and done that.😅

I would add as possibility to export to S3 in steps that you have to double check cases and such, as the preview brings only values that can also be previewed in the upstream datasets... sometimes I get caught thinking I made a mistake and it’s just a limited preview “issue”.

Also, you can check this post out: December Global GS Admin Slack Meetup: Data Designer Demo Day 12.9.2022  (the link to the recording is not working but you can find it here). There’s a lot of useful info and gotchas related to DD. 

@mcgovernb21 PS: Our friend @TMaier posted an idea in regard to the insert task type: Add an "insert" Task type to the Rules engine | Gainsight Community which you could upvote. 
