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I am interested in building out an engagement funnel for a webinar that results in a CTA. I am using Survey 2.0 to manage registrations. We do not use Events - I get an error every time I attempt to use that feature.

Is there a way I can schedule a CTA to launch after the date of the webinar, i.e., from a fixed date, rather than as participants move through the journey?  I seem to only be able to schedule the CTA to launch based on individual participant movement, rather than setting up a conditional wait that is designed to launch at a specific date/time.

Thank you!


PS - attempting to try a calculated field for when the survey closes and only activate the CTA for folks that submitted a registration. 

You don’t have to have your CTA built inside the JO. You can build a rule that sources the same information and that way it can be more complex and gather all the data you want on specific days.
