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I am trying to create Activity Timeline using Insert API. But this is not working.

I am able to query on Activity Timeline using Read API. But while inserting always same error is coming whatever field I put in the body → gscompanyid (any other field also same) cannot be modified since it is an immutable field.


Is there anything I am missing. Or can we not at all create timeline using Insert API.

Hi @sayan - creation of Timeline activities via API is not supported.

Thankyou So Much @dan_ahrens ,

In case we want to automate this from Salesforce side. What workaround should we take.

Requirement : Like there is a custom object and I want to log each record (on creation in SFDC) should be created as a Timeline Activity.

We are developing the capability to sync from SFDC activities to Gainsight Timeline. Likely coming in the January or February timeframe.

@dan_ahrens  : Is there a way to fetch the Accesskey from REST API directly via code (not via Connector 2.0 from Gainsight UI) ?

@sayan I don’t believe that’s possible.

Hi all, such a functionality would be very much appreciated. We use Gainsight but without Salesforce and would love a way of inserting Timeline Activities via API.

Is such a feature on the roadmap? Is there a workaround not involving Salesforce? 

@anirbandutta can we update the solution to this as it is now released?

Awesome! Thanks for closing the loop on this thread Sam.

