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Currently to create Customer Goal-associated CTAs, you have to create a new CTA or link an existing CTA from the Customer Goals tab. 

Is it possible to create a CTA and link it to a Customer Goal directly from Cockpit? 

Hello @jennh,

I hope you’re doing great! 

Currently, No it is not possible to directly create a Call-to-Action (CTA) and link it to a Customer Goal from the Cockpit. Instead, CTAs need to be created or linked from the Customer Goals tab.


Mudita Singh


Thanks @Mdsingh! I’ll add it as a product idea as my CSM team currently finds the process too cumbersome to have to always go to Customer Goals to create Customer Goals CTAs instead of linking them directly from Cockpit. 

@Mdsingh sorry to bother you again. Just wanted to check if you have any other workaround that you’d suggest to achieve what we are looking to do without going through the clicks? 

Hello @jennh

Unfortunately, there is no workaround that I can think of. I would suggest to submit an enhancement request for this.

