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Hello team, I am trying to create a simple graph report that shows the number of tickets opened by each customer in a quarter. This works for me by adding I the Show Me, Count of Ticket Reference, and in Group By the Customer name and the Created date.

However I would also like to see a breakdown of what the case severity was. 

Is this possible? 

I have tried adding severity to the group by section but as soon as you do this we lose the graph as a display option.

Hi @GrahamSwift . Welcome to the Community. I’m glad you’re here.

Any time you add more than 2 fields to the “Group By” section, you lose most of the charting options because no chart can actually display the data on 3+ Group Bys.

I hesitate to present a new idea before knowing exactly what business question you are answering with your Report, but an idea to brainstorm on:

  • Show Me: Count of Ticket Reference
  • Group By: Created Date (Quarter) AND Severity
  • Visualized as a Stacked Chart
  • Then put the Customer Name in the filters.

That would give you a historical chart of the ticket history by created date and severity for any single customer. Any company I’ve been at, having a graph that groups by Customer Name creates so many datapoints that it’s hard to chart. Thus, moving the Customer Name to the filters gives any users a visual analysis on support history.


