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I want to create a rule to help my CSM's adopt Gainsight by doing a next steps audit. I want to be able to track whether or not the CSM's created a new CTA after closing out a next steps CTA. 

What I would like is a rule that runs at the end of every week and filters all closed success next steps for that week and then triggers a CTA telling me if any new CTA's were created after those were closed. 

If anyone has any advice for helping me build this rule that would be great. 

You want to see a report of how many closed-success CTA's vs how many next steps CTA's are created? Why would you need a rule here?
Hi Jessica. How will you associate a closed success CTA with a newly created CTA? Is there a 1:1 expectation with that relationship or could it be 1:M, M:1 or M:M?

You might want to take a look at the new Bionic rules feature that is available now in your org (rolled out today actually).

Also, there will be a webinar this week to help explain how to get the most out of this powerful new feature: Feb. 22 from 8:00 - 9:00am PT: Bionic Rules and Data Management Register
