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We plan to use Customer Goals in 2023.  We have a number of ‘existing’ records that we’d like to recreate en masse as new Goals once we enable the feature.


Is it possible to create a Goal record via Rules Engine?  Or is the only option to have reps manually create the goal, via Goal Library or via manual entry?




Currently it’s manual only. Myself and others stressed the need of a Rules action for this in the beta. I believe it is on the roadmap, and will likely first be API creatable and then with rules only after Horizonized rules is available (so, likely not until Q3 next year at the earliest if I had to guess).

Thanks @bradley appreciate the quick reply!

@jeremy_johnston We’re targeting the January release for APIs, which should allow you to do migration via Rules Engine (using Call External API action). OK if we reach out to you directly to look at these ‘existing’ records together? To make sure there are no issues with data formatting, past dates, etc.

+@Anil Raj Pujari  

@manu_mittal @Anil Raj Pujari Thanks for the reply.  Happy to review those records together; I don’t have them handy as they’ll be provided to me by our CS leaders.  Let me get that request going and then we can set something up.  



@manu_mittal  Has the Customer Goals API been released?

@manu_mittal  Has the Customer Goals API been released?

Create and Update are slated for the next release in a couple weeks

@jenniferpa Customer Goals APIs are available now. Here’s the full article:

@manu_mittal is there another way possibly for us API newbies? I’ve never done it and am pretty terrified to mess something up. 

@bmayden @jeremy_johnston  available in Rules Engine now as an action!
