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I know there is a new standard MDA object as part of November release. Also, we can use now the Gainsight Connect in order to store new data in that object.

Will the data be stored in that object historically? or will it be overwritten in every new import?

I'm asking because we have the Customer Info object from SF now and there we can find the most recent data and we would like to have a table for storing the data on a daily basis in order to see trends and historical data. Right now we have a custom object and a daily rule that loads new records to the custom MDA object.

I want to know if the new standard object + Gainsight connect will give me the same functionality.


Thanks for posting, Aviv. CustomerInfo and the new standard object work similarly in that both present the latest/current data, not historical snapshots. You'd have to capture trends in a separate object, like you seem to be doing already, and then join it with the master Customer/Company object.

What type of data do you snapshot typically? 
Thanks Manu!

so can you explain what is the motivation to use the new standard object? We can set a daily import but where is the data taken from?

The CustomerInfo object is being updated from several objects so how do you know what's the source of them? Is it just a copy of the CustomerInfo object in SF?

We typically snapshot the Account Stage and ACV on a daily basis in order to have trends of our customer-base and the progress of them by stages and ACV. This is the main purpose.

Also, our managers want to know from what time our CSMs started to get accounts and their ramp up.
Hi Aviv,

The main benefit right now is that you can use this object together with other data that lives in MDA (outside SF) to create better reports, rules. etc. Previously, the only way to do this was to create a custom object in MDA and copy data over. It's also difficult to build standard functionality atop custom object structures, so that's another reason to leverage the standard ones we now ship with.

There is another feature we have released in beta this month -- Gainsight Connect -- that automates copying data to these standard objects. It's smart in that it understands special picklists such as 'Stage', for example, and automatically copies over the entire data structure. And I believe it provides better control over sync frequency, too.
Ok, thanks for the explanation Manu 🙂
