
Customer Search in Cockpit

  • 13 October 2016
  • 5 replies

Our CSMs need to be able to search the Cockpit by Customer. Grouping by Customer is not convenient with the number of accounts and CTAs they have.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Hi Amanda,

For us, the built-in search bar works on customer name.

Also, as a bigger hammer, you can use the Filtering interface:

Using the advanced filter is an option. We have out filter in the cockpit set to search Cockpit title, which is equally important. Have you heard of a way to have this search bar search for both?
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Hi Amanda,

I wonder if we're talking about different search fields? This field in Cockpit gives me search results based both on the name of the customer and the name of the CTA:

I'm a dunce... I had tried this a while back and did not have any luck. Thanks for clarifying that for me!
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
No worries! Glad to help!
