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Is there a way to add a hyperlink into an embedded report in a JO operational email?

Use case: I am notifying the account executives and CSMs via email if they are newly-assigned to an account. The JO job runs daily, checking for account ownership changes that have occurred “since yesterday”. Each email contains the list of accounts the user has been recently assigned to. Said list is rendered by an embedded analytics report in the JO email template.

For each account on the list, I would like to provide a deep link that takes the user directly to the C360 page of the account in Gainsight. I’m just not seeing an obvious way to achieve this. Has anyone done this before?

@justo.casablanca I’ve done something similar in the past using Data Designer, and a formula field with concatenate.  I’ve also done it by building a URL field on the object I’m reporting on, and then, populating it via Rules Engine (also using the concatenate function).


Yes, it is possible to add a hyperlink into an embedded report in a JO operational email. To achieve this, you can follow these steps:

  • Identify the data field that contains the account information in your embedded analytics report.
  • Modify the report template to include a placeholder for the hyperlink.
  • In the JO email template, use merge fields or variables to populate the hyperlink dynamically.
  • Create the hyperlink using HTML syntax, specifying the URL that directs the user to the C360 page of the account in Gainsight.
  • Use the merge field or variable that corresponds to the account information to dynamically generate the unique URL for each account.
  • Test the email template to ensure the hyperlinks are correctly generated and redirect the user to the respective C360 pages.

It's important to note that the specific implementation may vary depending on the email and reporting tools you are using. Consult the documentation or support resources provided by your email and analytics platforms for detailed instructions on embedding hyperlinks within reports and emails.

While the process may require some technical configuration, it is indeed possible to include deep links that direct users to specific pages within Gainsight or any other relevant platform.

I’ve done something like this using @heather_hansen’s suggestion with one variation:

I created a new custom field on the Company object, and populated that via Formula like this:

concatenate( '' , 'https://<<YourTenantNameHere>>' , GSID )

That will give you a URL that’s ready at the instant of the Company creation, and you won’t get caught behind a Data Designer or Rule schedule. If you add that field to your embedded report, you’re basically done.
