
Disable "Create new opportunity" button

  • 30 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +1

Hi, is there a way to disable the "Create New" button from the Opportunity tab in the CTA?
I only want the user to "Link Opportunity" but NOT to "Create New" from the CTA


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@phoebem I don’t know of any way to restrict your users from creating records here. This comes up in a few other areas of Gainsight, in various manifestations in the UI, and while Gainsight has added a few more guardrails in terms of record creation, I don’t believe you can stop users from creating a linked record inside a CTA.

Here’s where good process, clear enablement, and probably a Report to watch for any records that don’t belong can cover you until Gainsight provides the functionality you seek.
