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We’re trying to send our NPS today, but our Program failed due to a missing email template linked to the Heads Up Email. We have enabled the heads up email because we want to send out the NPS directly. 

If I add an email template, this won’t be send to our customer right? Not sure how this works and cannot find the answer on NXT. 


Hi @Myrthevm 

What you describe is strange - assuming that heads-up was not disabled when you tried to send. 

But with the now heads-up disabled, even if you previously mapped something there, the heads-up will most definitely not be sent, and the program will start with your survey email!

Hope this helps.


Hi Alizee,

The heads up email was disabled, because we do not want to send this to our customers. I’ve now added an email template, and it’s still disabled. Are we good to go? :) 

@Myrthevm If it was disabled initially and it didn’t have a template, it should not have caused a problem and I’d advise asking Support why this was the case. 

But so long as it’s disabled - regardless of having a template or not, it will not be sent. 

If you want to add an extra measure of caution, just set the sender and recipient email on your disabled heads-up to yourself (that’s doubling up on the safety measures and it never hurts). 

If you cloned a program that did have a heads up email, and you disabled the step, and that template no longer exists, it may be what’s causing the issue. 

Thanks everyone! Makes sense. We’ve send out our NPS campaign yesterday and everything went well. Kelly, I think we indeed cloned the Program, so this will be our answer.

Thanks again, very helpful! 
