Dynamic JO logic flow (avoiding null email failures and dropped participants)

  • 18 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

@keith_mattes suggested publicizing this, so here goes:

I’m building out a new dynamic JO program with three different variants after the evaluate step… one to send a “logic failure notification” in the “else if” branch. Because… ain’t nobody got time for dropped participants. Even on internal-only programs.

Also because of the new case expression issue with no custom mapping (string to email) available. :disappointed:

The evaluate step is essentially:

  • no null account reps, send and CC account team
  • at least one null rep, send to our team to forward
  • logic fails, send to our team to forward

Curious if anyone else has ways they deal with dropped participants (without manually checking).


1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +7


I was in a similar situation a week ago and had to revert back to using the older version of JO due to its ability to have custom email mapping.


The issue I was running into was that in my “Audience” step, I was pulling contacts in my first step and in subsequent transformation, I was eliminating null email id for the accounts that didn’t have a CSM assigned via a case statement. 


I then had an evaluate step to that basically was checking if the email should go via the CSM or a generic email address. The CSM email address was tokenised in one branch of the flow, while the other branch had the generic email address hard coded in the sender email field.



Now, the contacts whose accounts didn’t have a CSM and were supposed to receive an email from the generic email address but were dropped from the program because the sender email address for a subset of these contacts was NULL even though these subsets of contacts were supposed to receive email from a generic email address.
