
Edit formatting of inline survey question

  • 5 September 2017
  • 14 replies

  • Shoshin
  • 314 replies
I am setting up my first AO with an inline survey question. Seems pretty easy, although I do have one knit-picky thing: the question is not being displayed in the same formatting I have setup in my email template. Furthermore, I am not seeing a way to change that. Not a huge thing, but the change in formatting mid-email is somewhat distracting.

Any ideas folks?


14 replies

Badge +2
Hi Ben,

I am following the post as I am curious as well. Does it not give you the option to format the survey while making the survey? 
Badge +2
I noticed this in copilot, does that help at all? 

Hey Cameron. Thanks for your replies! I am actually using the "Question" functionality rather than the "Button" function in your screenshot. What I am seeing is that the formatting the email received by the customer is different for the actual survey question text. Different, that is, from the rest of the email formatting.
Badge +2
No problem Ben, I am newer to the software. I am going to play with it more. You have me curious haha. 
Userlevel 7
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Ben, the inline survey question's formatting can't be edited; it comes from default formatting that Gainsight ships. We've added our product manager to this post for further comment. Thanks for your question!
Userlevel 7
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Hi Ben, With the Winter release we are support multiple templates to the In-line Survey.

Hey Sai! This is a great step in adding flexibility there. I would love to see font be an option down the road as well. Thanks!
Userlevel 7
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@Ben, Will update you here once we consider the above request. Thanks for sharing

Our Release notes is out,please refer the Release notes for more info.
Userlevel 5
With this new formatting option (or even independent of it), is there any way to control the width of the inline question in the email template?  This looks fine on preview, but stretches waaaay out when I actually send a test email.  

Userlevel 7
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The comment is a new issue/problem.

Please reference the new conversation here: Inline NPS question template formatting problem
Userlevel 7
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Leanne, I forked your comment into a new post, because it sounds like a unique problem with the NPS in-line question template.
Badge +3

hi, i know this is an old thread but i’m running into issues w/ inline question formatting


The verbiage in my question and its answers are not customizable. Would be great to be able to make them bigger to stand out. Plus, the text should be the same as configured in the email template.


Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Agreed….this solves “Solved” but it certainly is not (to my knowledge). I’m hitting a similar issue myself and came to Community to see if it was possible to customize the look of the inline survey question.

@anirbandutta flagging so we can get the status of this changed, thank you!


Looking at the NPS names we would very much like to be able to change some of the names. From our point of view “extremely likely” is not a good measurement and would like to see it editable. 
