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When reporting on Email Assist open rates, what is included as an open?

  • I understand that "Opened" calculates how many of the sent emails were initially opened. The value of this field will either be 1 or 0. 

  • "Open Count" tells how many times the emails were opened all together; this would include the same email being opened twice. Do the "Open Count" stats include only the recipients on the "To" line or the "CCs" as well? 
I believe it would include anyone who opens the email (including Ccs and forwards)
Open count is the number of times the email has been opened and this includes stats of only "To"
Thanks for clarifying. Is this true also for general copilot email. I believe previously we were counting forwards in the open count. 
I would have to think that this includes forwards because I sent a communication recently and I have individual e-mail addresses where the open count is as small as 1 and as high as 1,004.  It was an important e-mail sent through CoPilot and this leads me to believe that this e-mail was forwarded to large internal e-mail groups (its the type of e-mail that would be).  
Hi Renee,

Yes, this includes forwards too. The count will be added against the 'To' ID when the forwarded email is opened.


Thank you!
