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Dear fellows.

I have a program that fetches users from a CSV to add to a NPS Survey e-mail participants. It uploads ok, but when I click on preview, on the Failed Participants List, there are some duplicates from the Participants List and, most importantly, there a few users from my list that get the following error:

“No valid Gainsight User found for the email address.”


Is there a way to add external user (No Gainsight users) e-mails to the list of participants?


Thank you!

In order to be added to the program, the Company ID has to be mapped from your data source. This has to match the Company ID or External ID (SFDC Account ID) that is on a Company record. You can still add them to the program if they don’t have a Company ID but it requires providing a default Company in the mapping settings.


Hi, John!

It seems I’m not able to change the unique criteria as the program is running. I’ll try to fix it and get that External Id in as soon as it lets me change that criteria.



Thank you very much for th insight.
