
Filtering by Assignee=AM Name in Cockpit

I want to be sure this gets picked up as a problem:

Filtering by Assignee=AM Name is not working. When you select Other User and enter a name, the UI does not come up with a list of users to select from. This makes me think the field is taking a text value when it really needs to link to the user's record by ID.

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2
Good catch Kristin, I will keep in this status to ensure visibility. 
Badge +1
We will add Owner filter right below Type and Priority and it will behave similar to the owner filter that was available in the older UI, where you could search for a user and then select, instead of manually typing in the name. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +4
Why was this removed from the main Cockpit screen?  We use this feature heavily.  Don't like that it was moved to a filter subpanel.  This adds an extra two clicks everytime you need to toggle the view between CSMs.

Something to keep in mind when modifying a UI:  If moving an existing function is going to increase the number of clicks to get there, it's probably not a good idea.
Agreed.  We rolled out 5.0 to our team this morning and this was by far the biggest concern.  We have territories with multiple reps; Rep 1 gets the CTAs but Reps 2-x need to be able to easily get to Rep 1's cockpit to see if there is anything they can take off of his or her plate.  The fix mentioned by Sidhu is better, but it was ideal having it available on the main screen and so I'm not sure why that would be removed.  Would love if this was reinstated.
My thoughts exactly.
Just piping in that I've also found this challenging. As a manager, it's much more difficult to use the cockpit to manage the work that my team is doing and get clear visibility into what they have on their plates with CTAs. I hope this gets added back soon! 
