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We have a rule setup that is set to run weekly. Last week, I received the notification that the rule execution failed partially. I want to troubleshoot and know the reason that caused it. The action is Send email using Marketo and it said, "Failed to trigger campaign

for 200 contacts".

Has anyone faced a similar issue and how did you rectify this?


Shashank Sharma
This might be due to variety of reasons. If you click on "View Logs" it might contain more information on why it failed. 

If that doesn't help get in touch with support to get more help.

We have had similar on our estate in the past and its either been a combination of one of the emails not existing in your Marketo estate or duplication. This then returns a null value when passing to Marketo

But the key here is that the Send Email to Marketo feature in Rules processes records in batches of 100 - if it fails for 1 record of that set then it fails the 100. So you probably had at least 2 fails.

Gainsight Support (Rajesh/Tom Gerth) helped us out and this was fixed by adding the criteria in the screenshot below

Hope this helps

