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I am trying to build a success snapshot 2.0 today to help with the ability to share the details of success plans to our AEs. The builder, to me, seems extremely buggy. I have tried using google slides (it only lets me import from my drive and save to my drive, which is super unhelpful because I need to export it to a shared drive), and PPT.

In the PPT template, I created placeholders of where I wanted to put tokens. Instead the builder adds random text boxes all over the slide and then covers up the content I had in the background. Any advice or guidance is appreciated. 

I’m in the same boat. I’ve been fighting this feature for three days now trying to get something half decent looking to come out of it. I had major issues with G Slides corrupting the text on import so I’ve been using PPT exclusively. Even still, when I import what I feel is a perfect template while looking at it in PPT it always comes over into GS slightly skewed, where some text boxes seem shoved to the side a bit and end up cut off in some cases. And like you described, any time I try to update a placeholder to populate a report or token value, that ‘box’ ends up covering up anything that had previously been layered on top of it (like help text). And you just have to hope you don’t accidentally click on something that shouldn’t have been a placeholder, because it converts it to a blank box and there’s nothing you can do about it. Even trying to re-upload a new copy of the template to ‘fix’ what’s been messed up still leaves all these phantom boxes floating around covering things up. Charts generate at ridiculous scales with no options to customize, and reports are dependent on the size of the values in the cells rather than filling out the size of the placeholder.


This feature is not functional and should not have been released in this state. It’s infuriating to try to use and at this point, I’ve given up and created a dashboard with all the usage reports for my team to filter to their company, screenshot, and fill out the templates themselves.

GS seems to have a habit of releasing half finished “features” and leaving us to fend for ourselves.

Feel your pain, folks. There is an older mega-thread going on here that you may wish to follow, upvote or contribute to so that this feature gets revamped: New Success Snapshot Builder - Feedback | Gainsight Community

One can dream
