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Is it possible to have different G/Y/R thresholds for individual measures? I found an old post from a number of years ago that indicates that this is not possible, but wanted to check again. I have set our thresholds for our overall score value to our ranges, however it looks like those ranges apply to all measures.

The issues are that our measures are numeric, but different measures have different numerical ranges for being good vs, bad. For example, we have a measurement for number of active days in the platform in the last 30 days. 30 would be perfect (not actually bad).


Yeah, you can do it in Administration / Scorecard / Settings (gear icon top right)

Open up the settings, and you can modify the Grading Scheme Range to whatever you like between 0 and 100.


Thanks for the reply! What I meant was to be able to have different r/y/g per measure rather than only globally. After I concluded that this wasn’t possible, I rather normalized each raw measure to fall in a range between 0-100 according to what the value was for each in the rules engine with a transform.

Ah, I misread. You’ve got it though. For measures that you know the scale of use the Scale Field Value option when setting up your Set Score action.



For those that are inverse (30 is good, 0 is bad) you’ll have to calculate the score in a transform and set the score using the calculated field instead. 👍 looks like you sorted it out

Ah, the scaled field. That actually is a better solution than what I'm doing even though it works pretty well. I'll have to play with that. Thank you!
