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Hi everyone - I'm hoping for some help with Bionic rules.  We have attempted several without success, even after [i]thoroughly reviewing support materials, webinars, community comments, etc. Here's the scenario.

We have an MDA table that stores our app usage data by feature by account by week.  That table also contains a very complex [i]calculated [i]field that scores the "health" of each feature.  To improve our scoring we need to know if a feature is owned or not, so I created a field to store a simple Yes / No value.  However, it appears to be impossible to populate correctly, even with Bionic rules.

Is there a Bionic rules expert out there that would be willing to look at what we've done and help me find a solution.  Thanks in advance,

Hi Kraig,I would like to schedule a call with you to look into this. My email address is Can you please send me your availability on Monday and Tuesday?Thanks,Ashok
Hi everyone.  Ashok was very helpful and able to guide me through the issues we were experiencing. Now we are using Bionic rules for many things, and are excited for the day when they can be included in Rule Chains. 🙂
Bionic rules in rule chain will be released with our summer release!!
