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  • I want to check how the "Region" category is named in the backend and pressing the edit icon doesn't show me its name.


I went into the MDA itself,  saw the API name of a field, but what I want to know is how to see the API name of the highlighted category/dropdown list.

@johnny This will work if you’re on NXT…and even if you’re not, it may get you close.

  1. Navigate to Data Management (as you did in your screenshot), and then look for Dropdowns, likely as a Tab or Panel within Data Management.
  2. You should have a Dropdown named Region, which you can drill into.
  3. There you’ll see the list of values. The Name is the Label (what appears in the UI) and the Short Name is what I’ve considered to be the API Name.

Hello Matthew,


Unfortunately, I am in the SFDC version.

But duly noted.



