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Our org has moved to the use of Territories for account assignments. This makes it difficult to pull in account team information into Gainsight for easy visibility to the CSM's. How have other organizations tackled this? 
Hi Samantha,

Can you add a bit more detail about the challenges or limitations you're facing? If the Territory is just a field on the Account object, it should be accessible from Gainsight.

The Territory object is a separate object within SF making the account team ownership not visible from the Account object. Territory Management is a native SF object that we are now leveraging for SF account assignment and potentially CSM assignment in the future. 

Have you looked at using a data space?

I don't have an org where the same structure you're referencing can be replicated, but if there are lookups between Account Team, Territory, and Account, you should be able to build a data space starting with Account Team and join up all three objects.

You could then use this data space as a source object in a rule for the proper assignment. 

Definitely let us know what you find!
Thanks Joseph. Data Spaces simply isn't an option for this. There are two needs where this information is relevant: 

1. The "Attributes" section which only allows you to pull information from the Account page

2. CTA ownership in Rule Engine - This would require a data space for every SF object that we use to create a rule within the rule engine. Currently, we still have CSM as a field on the Account object but this will go away as CSM assignment rolls into Territory Management as well. 

Given that this is a native feature within Salesforce, I would expect that other larger organizations do or will use this object in the future.
Hi Samantha,

I don't have full context on how this is being set up in your org, but I'm adding some general thoughts below. Here's what the Territory model roughly looks like:


As you can tell, there's a many-to-many relationship between Territories and Accounts, and also between Users and Territories. What this might translate to for a single Account/Customer is the following:

  1. We need to see what Territories an Account is a part of. [Direct]

  2. We need to see what Users are assigned to the associated Territories. [Indirect]
For #1, I believe we can build a Data Space on the 'Object Territory Association' object (including information from 'Territory' and 'Territory Type') and add to C360 as a related list. #2 is not as straightforward, but we should be able to leverage our upcoming Bionic Rules functionality and present that data to you. 

I don't think Account ownership or even the CSM assignment is done automatically based on these indirectly assigned Users. Seems to be mainly about access control. This doesn't mean, though, that we technically can't extract certain Territory Roles and write them to Account records. If your CSM assignment will eventually get done based on perhaps a 'CSM' role under Territory Roles, I feel that we should still extract and load it to either the Account or Customer record. 'User Territory Association', unlike 'Account Teams', is too disconnected from the Account to be leveraged directly.

That said, will surely give this some more thought.


