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I recently came across needing to do this and for whatever reasons conventional means failed me, until repeating something I had tried before inexplicably did what I needed it to. So, to hopefully save others some grief in case just copying the URL after you’ve clicked on a rule doesn’t work, here you go:

Note: This pertains to NXT users who login via SFDC.


Base URL:

(I omitted the https part so this didn’t turn into a URL, but don’t forget it)


Replace the bold, italicized and underlined text:

Your_Domain: with whatever your SFDC domain happens to be.

Rule_ID: This is the ID of the rule itself


Finding the Rule ID:

  1. Run the rule successfully at least one time

  2. Look for the execution history

  3. Open the logs for a given execution of the rule

  4. Find the penultimate log that should start with “Execution started for Rule : …”. The rule ID will be in ubrackets]

This should take you to the Rule details page of your rule!


There might be other or better ways, but I found that this one worked.

Thanks for sharing @bradley 🙌🏼

This is really interesting! Thanks so much for sharing! 

Very helpful, thank you. @rakesh this is a step backwards from before. With bionic rules, you could simply copy and paste a URL from the browser, and it would take you to the right rule. Why not so for horizon?

Very helpful, thank you. @rakesh this is a step backwards from before. With bionic rules, you could simply copy and paste a URL from the browser, and it would take you to the right rule. Why not so for horizon?

To be fair, that did work like twice. It was very odd. That’s where I started trying this, but I got the base64 URL and decoding that was always just sending me to the main rules page. Only after fuzting around and finding this way, did I happen to click a link again and it worked like this. Then it stopped. So, YMMV I guess haha.
