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There is a limitation  of 26 filters for email templates.


We want to exclude another country from the Email Template "EN fluid" version and we are unable to add another filter, since the alphabet ends and we have reached the Z. filter already.


I looked at the "excludes" operator; how would we be able to include 2 values in one filter? Using commas or? (we want to modify the Y filter to have more than 1 country excluded)



Super interested to understand the best practice regarding this filter strategy. And to see if there a solution to adding more filters. 

Is your Participant list from a Query? You could try adding a transformation step and creating a series of case fields for different regions. For example, you create a Boolean field called ‘Non-EN’. Your criteria could be to set your Case expression to TRUE if Country = Puerto Rico OR Russian Federation OR Japan etc.


Map that field as a custom field in your set up so you can use it in your program. Then, in the template filters, one filter is just “Non-EN” = True.

Hello Bradley,

Thanks for the suggestion.

Our query already has the maximum steps filled up and adding an extra step or transformation is not doable.

Still wondering, since the operator can be set to “excludes” I was wondering how one can populate more than 1 value in the right side…
