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I know the Link feature in the email template builder in JO links to external websites (with https://)...I am trying to “link” places within the email itself so a reader can click on a header or bullet and jump to that respective section within the email (similar to link within a Word Doc, Powerpoint, etc.) - so the reader doesn’t have to physically scroll through the email to get to the detailed content that they want to consume.

Is this possible with JO email templates?

I’d be curious to see what others have found. I haven’t found much of a use to do that in our current email templates, but I used to use anchor links in the code when building newsletters in a previous role (back in the late 2010’s).

The first question is how much you want someone to stay in the email vs. on your site.

The other issue is the limitations to anchor links in emails, which can be a big factor depending on how your audience primarily views your emails (Gmail vs. Outlook, desktop vs. mobile, etc.). This blog has some good points:

@dayn.johnson  thanks for your reply! The use case that prompted the question is for an internal newsletter that we will send to our company colleagues so is more of an informational email and very few sites/external places that we want to send the readers.

‘Anchor links’ is exactly what our customer communications manager referred to this as. 

This site has a great walkthrough on the process -- as long as you’ve got consistent header text you can link between, it should be easy enough. You’ll (most likely) have to go into the code side, especially since you’ll have to assign the anchor. 
