
Is there any progress on the accuracy of Sponsor Tracking?

  • 27 January 2016
  • 2 replies

Is there any progress on the accuracy of Sponsor Tracking? We are new to Gainsight but are getting a poor response rate to Sponsortracking. This was a very attractive feature that influenced our buying here. So any and all updates will greatly be appreciated for our team. Thanks!

2 replies

Hi Ed,

Due to the nature of find information from the social web, there are inaccuracies, but it seems your response rates are lower than typical, so I want to make sure we understand and hopefully resolve the issue.

There are 2 forms of potential inaccuracies. The first is, we can't find the profile on Linkedin or other social sites and second is we find the profile but something like job title is inaccurate. For the first, where we don't find the profile when you request a sponsor tracking, usually the issue is that, it can take our crawlers up to 72 hours to get this information. We will be updating our message to better clarify this. Other reasons are we just can't find the profile (usually due to privacy settings) but this is uncommon or we need user to specify the URL since multiple profiles with the same name. For the 2nd, where some information in the profile is inaccurate, we've made quite a few recent improvements.

Could you please do me a favor and email me more details including profiles that don't work (if the reason is not finding profile, many of them maybe working now) at, so I can respond with more specific. Thanks.
Ed, I think Praneet already responded to you on a similar post and has followed up. Please do let us know if you have any additional concerns. Thanks.
