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As a way to assist the CSM team with some heavy lifting, I am trying to create a JO program that will send a check in messages to customers without any timeline activity in greater than 120 days. 


Criteria: customer must not have a timeline entry within the last 120 days, or, have never had an entry.

At day 121, the system should check and pull primary contacts into a program to get the CSM outreach.


I’ve been list building for some time, but can not get it exactly right. It is mostly there, but a few customers that do have timeline entries within 120 are still appearing in the participant list.


Any ideas would be helpful!! 

@cellis - Not sure what you’ve done thus far, but I would recommend creating a query from the Activity Timeline object and find all records from the past 120 days and the Company. I would then transform and Group by Company with aggregation on activity. This provides a list of companies that have had activity and how many activities they’ve had in the past 120 days.

I would then merge this dataset into a dataset from a query of all Company records (retain all records from All Company). This will provide a list of all your Company records and a column for how many Timeline activities they’ve had in the last 120 days. Any Null/Blank values for activity records are the Companies you want to target. Create a transform and Filter by Activity count is equal to Null.

Last merge this filter listed with a dataset of primary contacts and retain common records (inner merge).

Hi @john_apple and @cellis @caffeinatedadmin @matthew_lind @kelly here’s a VCAM that you might be interested in: 

