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I currently have two lines of data for each contact ID (one from current month, and one from previous).  I want to load the data into my MDA object using two actions. The first action would be based on the criteria of the Month field being the current month and the second action would be based on the criteria of the Month field being previous month. Will the two actions be able to load the data into the same line on the MDA table? Or will it create two separate lines of data?
Katie -

You want to make sure that you use the right identifier or key that uniquely identifies the record to be updated.  I would assume this is something like Contact ID.  Then you would use an Update function to update the two different fields in your target MDA object - one field for current month and one field for previous month.

(you can also use an Upsert function if your data should also insert new Contact IDs when present in your data) 

I am assuming you are working with data something like this:

Say your source data :

Contact ID   MonthType     Value

123              Current            100

123              Previous           75

Action 1 Target is

Contact ID     Current Month         Previous Month

123                 100

Action 2 Target using key/identifier = Contact ID and update operation

123               100                           75
Hi Denise - exactly!  

I was able to set up the rule with both actions being Upserts, and used Contact ID as the identifier.  All worked as expected.  

Thanks for your confirmation. 
