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Journey Orchestrator Analytics Link Click Rate 0%

  • 15 March 2023
  • 5 replies



I ran a Journey Orchestrator program and have received responses stating that the information is valuable, ect. The email open rate for the Journey is 28% but the link click rate is 0%. Based on the responses I have received; participants have clicked the links embedded into the email. Why am I unable to see the link click rate? 


I have run other program and saw the analytics of the link click rate and which links were clicked most. Is there a way I can adjust a filter to see the click rate? 




At the risk of asking a question you might deem as insulting, did you happen to enable the link tracking feature in the URL embedded in the template?

Yes! It was enabled on both journeys

Commenting to bump this question, I’m running into the same issue!

I had a survey button added to an email template. My Journey Analytics show that I have a 0% click rate, but I have at least 45 folks that have filled out that survey (by clicking the button). 

@MichLaG some other admins where reporting unexpected results in open and click rates this week.

When they took it to Gainsight Support, they received a possible explanation back:


“engineering team has observed discrepancies in capturing the email open api calls by our servers.
We have escalated this issue with our engineering team and they are currently, investigating the issue and I will get back to you with all the updates on our investigations very soon.”


Maybe clicks where also impacted? Might be worth an inquiry to Gainsight Support for more clarity.

I’ve also seen this!

I launched a recurring program back on Friday, October 6 (sent to approximately 1,600 users).

  • After giving it a long weekend, plus an extra day, so the numbers could even out, the open rate on Wednesday (October 11) was 3.1%
  • When I checked back on the program this week on Monday, October 16 (TEN DAYS after launch), the open rate had changed DRAMATICALLY, and had jumped to 35.7%

I’m pretty sure this was not due to an over 90% increase in email opens over that time period, so my guess is that there’s a delay (definitely worrisome when checking engagement after program launch) in those stats updating.
