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I have a customer is looking to create a chart which shows CTA and Task information for "Objective/Success Plan" CTA's. In order to pull this information, we have started with the OOB data space around success plans. The issue that we are running into is that some of the objective CTA's dont' have any tasks associated with them. When using the data space, we are going CSTASK > CTA Group > Call to Action > CI > Account. 

I understand the limitation which is (if there are 0 tasks for a CTA it doesn't show up on a CSTASK build dataspace) but client would like to see them show up even without tasks. This is the request. Also, aside from building this out in an MDA table... any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
I don't believe that SOQL supports the outer join that you are looking for, unfortunately.  Can you share the report/visualization you are looking for?  
Yea, I am pretty sure this is a SOQL limitation. Essentially what they'd want to see is all CTA's show up for the dataspace regardless of whether or not there are tasks. (For example)

Success Plan:

Objective 1 (0/6)

Objective 2 (0/0)

Objective 3 (0/5)

Objective 4 (0/0)

Currently the dataspace pulls these records:

Objective 1  (0/6)

Objective 3 (0/5)

It ignores Objectives 2&4 because there are no tasks associated with them. 

Aside from building this out in an MDA table, I am struggling to come up with a solution on how to even build this out. 
If you just need the numbers of tasks you can of course do it with roll up fields but to get all the task fields is either an outer join or multiple queries.  
I'm piggy-backing off of Steve's post here - but I am interested in knowing if bionic rule merge tasks will ever support outer joins.  I have two data sets and want to merge them on a field but want to make sure that all records are retained from both sets.  Any timeline for adding outer joins to bionic merge tasks?
This will be available as part of Summer release
