
Multiple Close Statuses for Task

  • 13 January 2016
  • 3 replies

We would like to have two separate task statuses that both correspond to a closed task.  Currently the system can only handle one close status.  The use case is as follows:


1. Open

2. Closed

3. Closed - No Action Required (default)

We need to determine if the action was taken or not required for optional tasks, so if the CTA was closed all tasks that had not been closed at that point would be assumed not required.

3 replies

Andrew, I know you can map the CTA status in the Cockpit Configuration, but I think the Task Status might have to be a SFDC thing. We use CTA statuses for Closed and Closed No Action, but we only used Closed for Tasks.
Userlevel 5
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I think may have done what you are trying to do. Is this something that you found a solution for already or would it make sense to get on a call to discuss what you are trying to do and/or if it is possible/feature reqeust.


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This enhancement was delivered in our Apr 2016 release. Review the " Enhancement: New Task Open and Closed Statuses available for task mapping" section under Cockpit of this release notes for additional details.
