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We have a scenario where it would be beneficial to apply filters to assign a different version of a CTA based on filters. In our case, it would be to assign the CTA to a different CSM(or user group) based on filters that define which CSM/user group should get the CTA.

This can already be done using conditional waits but it would be must easier if you could just expand the CTA step to apply different version with filters. I am imagining it to be like adding multiple CTA actions to a rule with different filters in the action steps for each CTA and then have a default CTA step in order to catch any that don’t match the filters. Doing this in one CTA step would save a lot of time vs setting multiple conditional waits for each time you need to assign a different CTA or to a different CSM/user group.


This would solve this issue as well.


@alex_legay great suggestion. I ended up accomplishing this by creating case expressions in my query tasks to set the appropriate CSM GSID for a “CTA Owner” field I created in the query based on our criteria. In our case, my assignment criteria could be gathered from the query (we have multiple reps that support accounts, and depending on the segment and ARR, it could be Rep A or Rep B that needed to get the CTA). 

When I needed to use data generated from the program itself for CTA assignment, I used conditional waits as you identified here, but I agree that an OOTB experience directly in the CTA itself (kind of like how we have email template versioning in programs...??) would be a value add!
