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This feedback came from Adam Bambrough, based on the 5.0 overview video:

Hey, Excited to see the UI changes in the preview, but watching the video I do have one significant concern around the C360. It appears from the video that the C360 is no longer available as a single scrollable view, but every individual c360 section now requires an individual click & page load? As one of the main use cases of the C360 is to get a quick view of the customer, if this is the case then it’s going to negatively impact usefullness. We already have 14 sections in our C360 - which serve the purpose of a 'quick glance' well, but loading every one individually isn't feasible/realistic. Can you confirm there will still be a choice to view the 'whole' C360? 

(I responded to his original post, so just re-posting in the appropriate category. I tried to fork his comment over here, but it didn't work.)
I'm getting the same feedback from my teams. They really liked the ability to scroll down versus having to click on the links to get to the sections. It might just be on our end, but they are saying the links are taking a longer time to load than the scrolling.
The consolidated 360 view is under development and should be released in late August.
