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How can I remove participants when testing?  I think I might be missing a key step - or the Program maybe needs an enhancement since it’s in Beta.  Not sure which it is.

My current process:

  • Create Data Designer, make universal and run
  • Update program Settings
  • Map tokens and test email - find an error
  • Go to Data Designer and update fields
  • Run Data Designer
  • Sync Participants - the new configuration fails because the participant already exists
  • Delete the Data Designer and start all over


It is fairly common that an incorrect firls would be selected and/or modifications would be needed when configuring Data Designers.  I don’t see anything that allows me to delete a Test Participant, and the process to make corrections is lengthy.  Thanks for any help!

After thoroughly testing the new dynamic JO during the initial beta, we’re staying out of it until the February 10th launch that will bring back the query builder.

I sent one program (as a CSV send) to external recipients, and it was not pleasant.

To preview the participants, I ended up:

  • Building an advanced JO using a query builder with the merges I needed to create the participant list
  • Downloading the list as a CSV so I could accurately preview the participants
  • Uploading the list as a CSV source into the dynamic program

still had to stress that a number of participants over 20 would be sent the email, since the way the participant preview shows up doesn’t show the full number of participants.

Data designer is impractical for our needs (we have a large number of bespoke, 1-off participant queries), and the way that both data designs and segments sync with programs and participant entry does not work for our purposes.

When I’m previewing participants in the advanced JO, I actually clone the program and delete the test program, rather than knocking them off or removing them.
