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Hi Everyone,

I learned that currently Gainsight NPS can only be sent on a scale of Zero to 10.

Is there a workaround to make it on a scale of 1-10? 

There’s no quick way to revise the NPS config to use a 1-10 scale. Given how widely used NPS is, and that NPS methodology itself embraces 0-10, there are no easy answers here.

Your only route to do this would likely customized a survey from start-to-finish, where then you could dictate a 1-10 scale. However, you’ll lose access to all of the out-of-the-box NPS functionality the platform provides.

Hi Matthew,


Thanks for answering.

Most of the Surveys sent to us from other companies are also on the scale of 1-10. Not sure if that’s a norm that only I am seeing. That’s why I want this scale to be on 1-10.

You’re most welcome, @ankitify, and that’s an interesting observation from surveys you receive.

As I understand it, the originator of the NPS system thought it necessary to have 11 points in the scale so respondents would not mistake 1 as the highest point. There’s your fun fact for the day. 😀

You’re most welcome, @ankitify, and that’s an interesting observation from surveys you receive.

As I understand it, the originator of the NPS system thought it necessary to have 11 points in the scale so respondents would not mistake 1 as the highest point. There’s your fun fact for the day. 😀

Voila! Never thought that way.
