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How would I generate a report that shows what accounts did NOT respond to the NPS Survey per CSM?


I love this question @MelissaC. The lack of response can be extremely interesting.

While the devil is in the details here:

  • The general idea is that you need a total list of customers you’ve surveyed in one data set, then a second data set with a COUNT of your number of NPS Responses received, grouped by Customer.
  • You’ll want to do a LEFT Join of Customers + COUNT of NPS Survey Responses, so that you have ALL customers, whether they have a response or not. (Don’t do a common join here, because that will drop your survey-less customers.)
  • Then filter for all the Customers for which your number of responses is null or is 0.

Try that for starters, and let us know how you fare. We can give you more detail where it’s helpful, if you tell us more about your survey program and your datasets.




Hey @matthew_lind!  Thank you for your response!  Any way you can show me some snaps on how to do a left join?  Also, can you confirm what object I am reporting on? NPS Survey Response?

Thank you so much!

Hey @matthew_lind!  Thank you for your response!  Any way you can show me some snaps on how to do a left join?  Also, can you confirm what object I am reporting on? NPS Survey Response?

Thank you so much!

That will be a “merge task” in data designer, and you’ll ensure that your Customers data set is the task you initiate your merge from, and you select the Count of NPS Survey Responses as the “merge with”. 

It would look a bit like this: 


Hi @MelissaC. I had to run a quick analysis along these lines, so I’ll supplement @alizee with how I solved.

My data design looks something like this, where

  • Step A fetches my in-scope Company records
  • Step B fetches my NPS Response records
  • Step C is the Left Merge
  • Step D filters to identify non-responding companies


Steps A and B are fairly standard. Be sure to pull Company ID into both steps. Step C is your Left Merge, and this part is key. You’re instructing Gainsight to keep everything in the LEFT dataset (your Companies) and then supplement that list with anything that matches it in the RIGHT dataset (your Responses).

So be sure you click the three-dots in Step A, and then Merge, and then Step B, and then Left. Then merge on your Company GSID.

You should exit Step C with data like this:

  • Tulip Company - 2 Responses
  • Rose Company
  • Daffodil Company - 7 Responses
  • Mum Company

Then your final step (in this example, it’s Step D) is to filter for any records where your Number of Responses is null. In our quick example, Rose and Mum would be your companies without a response.


You could do that last step inside Data Designer, or you could end with Step C and handle the filtering as part of a Report (COUNT of Responses is null). This would also work inside a Horizon rule, of you’re wanting to generate a CTA on these non-responders.


Good luck! I know you’ve got this.
